Monday, February 25, 2013

Give a kick

"Give a Kick" is a non-profit organization started by a student currently at Princeton to distribute donated soccer balls as part of structured programs in developing countries.  We were able to get 25 brand new soccer balls for this trip and started the process of giving them out today.  Koutiala Hospital has a soccer outreach program for local teenagers and we donated 5 balls to their team this afternoon during their practice.  You can see photos of the team and their new soccer balls below.  Tomorrow we will deliver soccer balls to several other youth programs in Koutiala.

 It is currently the hot/dry season in Mali....not sure why it is also the season that everyone plays soccer!  Lots of dust everywhere.
 These were the only balls that the team had to play with and were definitely worn down.
 Patrick playing with some patients from the hospital while we were watching the action.

Local kids playing soccer near Brett's house.


  1. Looks like Patrick is definitely settling in and making friends. Bet he won't look so neat after helping pour cement on Friday! ;-) Thanks for the up-date, Alan!

    Your MIL -(mother-in-law)

  2. Love seeing those pics of the soccer players! So glad Patrick could fit them all in his bags! Miss you!!

  3. The soccer balls in his bag, I mean...not the players:) It's been a long day:)
